Sunday, March 30, 2008

science central

on friday we went on a field trip to science central. it was so fun!!
it took us 2 hours to get their!! my dad got to come. First we went to ride the high bike thats where your on a magnetic bike in mid air. it is so fun. then we wondered around a little while. then it was time to go to a demonstration about static electricity. I got to go up there and she picked 3 other people. and the first person put their hand on the static maker. and grabed the other person's hand and you got shocked it relly hurt. then we ate lunch. then we went in the confusion room thats a room thats built diagonally you can slide in it. And we also went in the sewer thats like a tnnel you have to find your way through because its really dark and theres a window about halfway through and you can see out of it but the people outside it can't see you so we made lots of silly faces. And we went on the moon walk thats where they strap you into a harness. it feels like theirs no gravity. then it was time to leave. it was awesome!!!!!!!!

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