Friday, May 23, 2008


David cook won american Idol I'm so happy! my whole family cried YYYEEEESSSSSSS!! when he said david cook. If you were our neighbors you would of thought there was something wrong with us! And the next day before the bell rang I skipped around the hals singing its celabration day!! but alot of my friends liked david archuleta.


DJDan said...

Man it stinks. I did not watch one minute of American Idol this year.
i went crazy for season 4. The next one with Jorden Sparks was ok (She rocks though!) and I always said I was going to watch it but homework ect. interfered. Next Year

Bella(: said...

awwww.....I wanted archuletta to win. you know what? pretend that you're in a kitchen, and then archuletta sounds like enchellada and the cook is the cook. so of course, the cook beats the enchellada. lol