Sunday, April 13, 2008

riot over nighter

sorry but this week i'm only talking about the overnighter. last week our church had an overnighter for our class it was awesome when we got there we had free time then all this happened

21 kids ages 9-12
4 adults
2 "amped" up teenage chaperons
14 pizzas
48 cans of soda pop
4 teams that went on a treasure hunt
1 sticky game that involved 11 tubes filled with jello!
72 balloons (25 filled with water!)
21 wet behinds (when they sat on the balloons filled with water!)
2 games of dodge ball
2 injured feet (not belonging to the same person)
3 people that had ice packs on some part of their body during the evening
42 paper airplane launches off the sanctuary balcony
2 movies
14 crazy hours
1 kid that actually slept


Olivia said...

this is FUNNY!!

DJDan said...

I had one of those for my Hebrew School. It was also really fun. I got to play my guitar to everyone there.